Monday 24 March 2008

Oh geez

It seems like not a lot of people have been posting, so i'll try to keep this thing alive and ask everyone, hows their life and what is cooking.


what is cooking in your kitchen right now. chicken noodle soup? or a bag of popcorn.

seriously, people, i want all of you who joined this thing to respond...




WingedChild said...

Nothings cooking in my kitchen right now actually. But life pretty good I guess. :)

how r u?


Anonymous said...

that's always awesome. i had pizza cooking a while ago, and it was nummy in my tummy. XD

eh, so-so. i've pulled too many mucles then seem resonable (in my current athletic shape), and i have a speech due monday... which i am totally unprepared for... so... yeah. nothing too bad, right?


WingedChild said...

Uhh, i don't want to go back to school on Monday, I'm still on break.
A speach? That sux, i hate speaking in front of people. My mom says Im weird cuz id rather sing for a bunch of people I dont know then read a report to my class.

What's ur report on?


Anonymous said...

i don't either. i have tons of stuff due by the end of the term...
yeah, a speech. about a very controversal subject too, that might get people to glare daggers at me. i hate speaking when i don't have to in front of the class...
really? that's awesome you can sing. i can't. ink can. i can't. a lot of people can. i can't. point taken? XD

WingedChild said...

loli kno everyone says this but, you have to practice lol. I used to suc at singing haha. Yah i forgot my LA homework at school. Mr. S will have my head...

Anonymous said...

oh, that sounds like this Mr. S. is some tough cookie. i have been stressing out because of finals... but now they're over and i'm home free!!!!!!