Tuesday 11 March 2008

The new blogs.

I'm going to post the same post that I posted on my other blog on this blog about the new blogs.
Everyone catch that?

One that my friend Cloud made! I know that some of you know him from a while ago, and now he recently started a new story blog!
Check it out, its amazing!


Comment him too, he likes feedback. (just like he says on his blog=D)

Then one that my friend Lith made!
Its also a story blog.
Check em' out!




WingedChild said...

Shweet. I'll check it out. :)

Haven't talked to u in FOREVER Ink! How are u??


Ink said...

Thanks Wings!

I'm okay, sad because my plans for today bombed because of TONS of snow...
Aaaaaaaand, nothing more then that for now really.
What about you?
I've missed talking to ya!


WingedChild said...

Snow? we got a little 2 but not a lot. I just want it to be WARM again! *cries*

Nothing much is going on with me. My life never ceases to be dull and boring. lol.

I missed talking to u to! I feel bad about not being on Blogger alot but I'm pretty addicated to Deviant Art haha.

I'll try to be on more :)


Ink said...

I know same here! It SUCKS when its so cold out all the freaking time!

Its okay, I'm not on here much either... only when I get an e-mail saying that someone commented.
Then I'm on for a little while.
