Friday 28 September 2007

Chuck E. Cheese anyone?

So my fam got invited to this little kids party this weekend, and its at Chuck E. Cheese.
I don't know if I'm the only one out there or not but...
who here still LOVES Chuck E. Cheese even though when you do go there your like the oldest one there along with your dumb friends?
If so raise your hand!
*raises hand*
I really love that shooting game, you know? The one where you run around with like two pistols shooting aliens... that game is like WAY to fun for me.
And cramming like 8 people into one of those picture things is always fun too...
Anyways, to get to my point, I don't know if I want to go and be there with like my fam and like a million other little boys or not...
its only for like two hours though... and this IS Chuck E. Cheese...
Help me?



elfgirl564 said...

go. and have fun for me ok? ill call you when i can. my little sisters are being pains right now and i have to straighten them out. *slaps desk* back to work!

Ink said...

I will!

Go and take care of those little sister's then!
Show them who's boss!
; D


Katiebabyangel said...

i've never ever been to chuck e cheese. so i can't say that i like it or not. srry.

Ink said...

Why not? You should totally go if you can!!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

can't help you love but i hope that you chose to go and having muchos fun i am going to a magic show tonight i can't wait!! i will tell you why i am actually in my state still... later promise love you sweetheart!!! and i know you will have fun i am going to have fun this weekend i think, i am getting anna's present and then i might get new shoes for my dress, and then i might go riding and i can go to the ponderpuff game either way talk to you soon love!!!

Ink said...

Thanks! Love ya too!
And I hope you have an AMAZING weekend!!!!


Silvertongue said...

I once passed a Chuck E. Cheese that was built next to a cemetery. I just laughed my head off wondering who the heck puts a place like that next to the cemetery?

elfgirl564 said...

i think thats called irony.

Ink said...

OMG!!! That's GREAT!!!!


elfgirl564 said...

is that like putting babys'r'us next to hooters?

Ink said...

Are you messing with me? Or is there really a baby's R us next to hooters where you are?


elfgirl564 said...

in kansas.

elfgirl564 said...

would i mess with you? dont answer that.

Silvertongue said...

That is bad, who decides to put babys'r'us next to hooters? Unless they were trying to be funny.

The Jester said...

(*raises hand*)

Anonymous said...



Ink said...

WOOT!! *raises hand higher*


Ink said...

That is the cruel irony of life itself. Hooters by Babies R us...
