Friday 28 September 2007

Okay so Picture Day didnt kill me *WOOT* but it was annoying. At my school each person has a slip with a time and leaves class whenever it says to get thier pictur taken. so yeah they lost my time slip so my teacher just let me go when someone else i left my first period class and went to where they where taking the pictures at....thier was a few other people in the room with me from my first class so i just sat and talked and waited...then when i finally went up thier some stupid little kid( i do mean STUPID) from my first period class said " thats my girlfriend up thier now" and i was about to get up and slap him * grrrr* but i went with the less violent method of saying " IN YOUR DREAMS" and glaring at him ...whoooaa lets hear it for non violence....


Silvertongue said...

Good restraint, but it would have been funny if you punched him in the face.

Ink said...

I agree with Christine. Good job, but it would have been funny if you did show him something...
Glad it went well!


Anonymous said...

ooo nExt time he wont gat away w/ just a glare!!! MMMWAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!


Ink said...

