Friday 4 April 2008

I'm back

i thought i would stop by and say that i am bored.

yup that is all. i am bored.


ANYWAYS. i am bored.

so i am going to get off. and watch songs from sweeny todd.

no one's going hurt you... .


WingedChild said...

Not while I'm around! lol i love that song haha.

becca[you dazzle me] said...

lol i love that song too. it was like the bestest one in there, not to mention me and two of my friends just randomly start singing it but w/e lol

turnabout said...

wowza. bored? i couldn't really tell from your post ;]

Ink said...


I've missed you on here!
I've missed talking to EVERYONE on here.

I heart you!!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

kat, really you couldn't tell at all? lol

becca[you dazzle me] said...

hi ink. i know it has been awhile a very long while. you know me, pop in sometimes. i don't know there isn't much to say right now... and i heart you too! talk to you soon deary!

turnabout said...

nope! not even a little bit :P

becca[you dazzle me] said...

really? mmm? i guess i will have to make is more obvious next time. so i read you went to france? wi? was it fun?

turnabout said...

mm next time maybe.
you read right! I did, it was amazing! i love it there!

becca[you dazzle me] said...

i am glad you had a good time. anyways i gots to be going. talk to you soon kat