Tuesday 25 March 2008

New Hair... soon anyway

So I'm gonna be getting my hair re-done. Re-dyed black, blue streaks and then during the summer I'm gonna get it cut (just incase it looks bad, i dont want to get made fun of lol). I want to get it cut like this: http://born-imperfect.deviantart.com/art/OMG-emo-hair-64509131

Minus the freaky expression, long ears, and the fact that it's a darawing of course. If u have any other suggestions comment me with links of hair styles. :)


ps. How is everyone??


turnabout said...

Cool I guess. Hope you like it! I think it'll look cool.

Ink said...

Oo! That sounds awesome!
I didn't see the pic (its locked... stupid freaking computer), But I bet you'll look amazing!


WingedChild said...

thanks guys, im still not sure tho. Ugh, I hate making decisions! I guess I have a few months to make up my mind tho...

It's just like I kno that it's an emo hair cut, and everyone here knows im not emo or anything. But theres a lot of kids at my school who would sterotype me as one. Yah kno? I guess that's one of the big reasons im not sure.

I just can't decide. i want somthign cool, but I also dont want anymore people whispering about how im emo when that's like the opposite of what I rly am.

Srry this comment is so long, (and also for complaining lol). If u hav any other ideas comment :)


WingedChild said...

i got it done! But it's not like that cut. It's diffrent. I'll send a link later :)

Anonymous said...

that looks and sounds like full of awesomeness. hope it turns out super duper!


WingedChild said...

haha, thanks Lith! It does look rly good haha :D
