Monday 7 January 2008


the tile about sums up my day.....low and behold in the middle of my last class i am called to be checked out...thank the lord....but when i heard why i wish i hadent been...SHOTS! DREADED PIONTY NEEDLES! 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i sucked it up and did it and ya know it wasnt that bad...i happen to hate needles and i almost kicked the nurse when she tryed to stick me...but i just looked away and held my breath and it was over...tiny prick and done....and now i have these wonderfull smiley face band aids as remmembrence of my pain! :) oh joy!


Ink said...

I hope that you can soon enough tear off those mocking little band-aids!
Feel better soon okay?


SMILEE said...

yeah, ! point for SMILEE, nobody goes walking around with kittykats on them anymore kat so HAAAAA

MRR said...

huh? kittykats? can you say rrrrraaaaannnndddddooommmmmm! :)