Friday 28 December 2007

LITHium makes you go to sleep

yeah. its true.
so might be a little boring if i make some people go to sleep... geezums. that makes me feel bad.

any whos, any one hear of a young artist named Holly Brook?
*a cricket chirps*

thought so.
i discovered her last year, and her unique voice, soft piano, and mellow guitar was intriguing. now all you hard rockers and punk banders might not find her fun at all, but you peeps who love any kind of music should find her nice to listen to.

and for those who like the song, "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor, she sang in that song PROOF!

and if you want more, here's another song!

and if you don't care who this is or whatever, don't even bother reading my post, k?
but if you got this far, i guess you care that much. : D



Ink said...

I'm really not one for super soft nice music miss Lith.
The only reason I read this post is because I care what you have to say.
: D


turnabout said...

I know her.
I like 'What I wouldn't Give' or whatever that song's called.

Anonymous said...

i KNOW you DON'T, miss head-bang-till -my-brains-fall-out.
i was posting for all those other people that like all sorts of music or that kind of music.

thanks kat. : )
yeah, i like that song too.

Ink said...

Well, excuse me for having totally awesome taste in music.


Ink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I DO TO TOO YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
just in different areas.

Ink said...

Oh, whatever.
: p

; D


WingedChild said...

I love that song! I would totally watch her vids but my computer won't let me :(