Wednesday 19 December 2007

hi ya.....sorry...i havent been on here in break just started FINALLY! but as much as i love being out of school there is nothing to do but read at my house.....home alone with nothing but the computer...i could read but i have read everythging here and the likleyhood of walking to the library and getting back before midnight are a zillion to i just been lying around watching movies and on the compuetr...but there is only so much somone can do on the computer and not eventual get this rate i am going to be board everyday all break....untill christmas that is....I CAN NOT WAIT....i mean who in the world dosent like PRESENTS! not to mention the lovley family time...and holiday spirit....and all that..blah blah blah blah..


WingedChild said...

Ur sooo lucky! My break hasn't started yet. :(

I kno! I hav to be home alone alll the time cuz my parents hav to work and i get so bored that i just walk in a circle in my kitchen and do nothing. lol. i know, i kinda just revealed how pathetic my life is... haha.


Ink said...

I love break! Mine started today also!
*does a little dance*
But isn't that what break is all about?


MRR said...

yes it is ink...but to much off nothing is a bad thing......and i am boared alot.....i know how u feel wings cuz i am home alone all the time...supreme boardome

Ink said...

That is so true...
