Friday 14 December 2007


Just finished 2 new books. Dark Angel and The Diary of Pelly D. Both r really really good and totally suggest them to anyone looking for a good read. But at the end of Pelly D I was rly sad. I was totally expecting Toni V to find Pelly D. But alsa he didn't. [If ur planning on reading The Diary of Pelly D, i would suggest not reading the following.]

But the whole thing was really interesting to think about. See there's 3 races: Atasumi (supposedly the highest race and totally the best), Mazzini (just regular), and Galrezi (supposedly you don't want to be this, alotho i hav no idea y, they're supposed to b artistic. But I guess u could say that being this is like being the worst race.)

(I forgot to mention these people are origonally from Earth but moved to a diffrent planet, so obviously it's in the future.)

But anyway...

No one knows what they are A, M, or G. Until the government starts, like, tagging people basically. So once people find out who they are they think better than everyone else or w.e. and G's r mistreated and soon there are signs that say 'Atusumi and Mazzini only' and things like that.

It's like racism all over again. But where they r the word 'racism' is supposed to be b a word left behind on earth.

At the end, from Toni V's point of view you find out that all the Galrezi where taken somewhere. And no one knows what happened to them. Kinda sad.

idk, i thought it was interesting...

If you were planning on reading that i hope i didn't ruin it for you... lol. I'll put a note or somthing at the top.



turnabout said...

I've read a bunch of books titled Dark Angel which did you read?

SMILEE said...

nice, put the don't read it after you read it, its like when people put a don't flip over sign on the bottom

WingedChild said...

Kat: Dark Angel, by David Klass. It's about this guy who's murdering brother gets out of jail and comes to live with him and his family.

It's rly good!

Smilee: Yah, i wrote it at the bottom and then wrote it at the top lol. I know! Smart! haha.


turnabout said...

mm... read that book... it was good...

WingedChild said...

yah, eveyone thought i was weird cuz id be like 'Yah it's a bout this guy who has to live with his murdering brother', then they'd just give me a weird look and walk away... lol