Saturday 3 November 2007


anyone know where wolfy went?

he's absence has been very abrupt...

just wondering


SMILEE said...

yeah I know where he went, or where I went..... hello kittykay how r u? hey guys,

umm I got in some serious trouble, very bad problems with... well I had to delete my blog service. so I made a new one.
send my on comment or email all ur emails so I can add you. my new blog is

or my email is


p.s. I'm not going to tell anyone why I had to do it. or who anything about it so dont ask.

turnabout said...

*raises her eyebrow*

fine i won't ask

and i you already know my email sooo yeah

SMILEE said...

sorry kat I'm not trying to mean but apparently I have some people recording blog conversations, and I bet there gonna read this. so thats why. and they tried to hack my email.

turnabout said...

eh i was just saying i wasnt gunna ask, i don't mind (that much)

Ink said...

I already knew about that.
I'm just happy we can still chat wit' cha'!


elfgirl564 said...

Umm ok, wolfy. and yes im just hapy ure still here! :)

dreamer said...

Okay finally some answers I knew I wasn't crazy. Okay crazy but not that crazy.

turnabout said...

haha nice dreamer, i go through the whole 'i'm NOT crazy really!' thing a lot too