Wednesday 7 November 2007


i was nearly run over today. literall...nearly creamed....cuz i was sitting in luch with my freinds and we was sitting next to this group of guys and two of them started to argue over i have no idea what...somthing stupid..and then it turned intoa real bad drag out fight...i dodnt even know what happend till a guy was trown of the table right in front ofme...and i jumped up because they were comping at me flipping over the chairs and knoking of all the food on the table to the floor my freind sitting beside me was in shock and i was trying to make her get up or we were both gonner...and i was almost everyone near me was running to get out of the way knoking ppl down while the two fighting guys tipped the table...THW WHOLE TABLE!!!!!! and i was right in the way cuz there isnt many places o run so no matter how far i tried to get away they were still coming right at me....i was in shock after jummping up and pressing aginst the wall so i didnt get kicked...then the school cops came and tryed to drag the two kids apart but they were still fighting...finally once they were dragged out of the caffateria the teachers set up the table and gave everyone whos food wa destroyed more food was on th floor but some guy who had been sitting next to the guy who started the fight gave me the food he managed to save from destruction! i guess he was like SAVE THE ne ways i was in mild shock all day from nearly being trampled...i mean i have seen a billion fights cuz its just a bad school but i have never BEEN RIGHT IN THE CREAMING ZONE!!!!!! well ne ways that was todays tramatic story


link said...

omg!! awsome blog imean its freaken sweet i saw that cute picture it rocked yuuu know that hugging picture ^_^

Anonymous said...

well thanx..yes this blog does happen to rock...:)...even though its not mine...its all credit should go to her..:)

Silvertongue said...

Glad you did not end up getting caught in the crossfire.

Ink said...

MRR, I agree with Tom. We're all glad that you didn't get caught up in the fight!


Ink said...

Link, thanks. I thought that pic was cute too! I love it!


Anonymous said...

well thax guys...*hugs blogger buddies* yeah i am glad i didnt to cuz that would have hurt...reallly...rrrreeeaallllyyy..bad!


Ink said...

*hugs back!*


turnabout said...

Glad you're ok!

SMILEE said...


SMILEE said...

I wish I got caught in it, that'd be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!