Thursday 18 October 2007

water, twilight fanfiction, and pumpkin parties

once again im bored. its like ten thirty and no ones on. *sigh* oh well, i found a really cool twilight fan fiction site yesterday and spent most of today and almost all of yesterday reading. my parents weren't happy but you cant please every one. theres some really cute alternate endings were Bella chooses Jacob. *sigh* love those. theres also some not so cute stories about Jacob imprinting on someone else. i did not read those. i am depressed enough. anyway, thats what ive been doing. its sort of turned into an obsession and my mom is trying to figure out what the heck im doing. other then that the only news is that i was kidnapped today and forced to buy a pumpkin for our upcoming Halloween party. i take that back, no one forced me but they would have been disappointed if i hadn't gone along. im going to paint it at a neighborhood party. *shudder* all those people... anyway water situation is not looking up. we had rain today but just a sprinkling and then it was done. im actually thinking about going to the stores and buying all the bottled water they have. paranoid much, i know. for those of you who didnt read my blog im in the middle of a severe drought. in a month i wont have any drinking water unless we get rain. not counting today it hasnt rained here in a month. ending on that happy note,
love from the terminally insane elfy


Ink said...

Hey, you, with the face! Just kidding. I'm going to try and find those vampire pics for you now. So check your e-mail in about 10 minutes okay?

Please send me the link to that stuff!
I want to read about Jacob!!


Ink said...

Do you like this avatar? Or the other one more?
Their both Relient K lines... but they both apply to how I feel sometimes too.
What do you think Elfy?


elfgirl564 said...

the last one. definetly!!! o-tay! thank you!!!

Ink said...



elfgirl564 said...

ure velcome!