Friday 5 October 2007


I was watching Superman returns last night(and no, not for the first time), and I was thinking about somethings in there that bothered me....
Superman is such a good guy that he wouldn't have had a kid with Lois Lane before marrying her.
Its just not what the original Superman would have done.
So that really bothers me(even though that kid is one of the cutest little boys I've seen in my life).
Also Lois seems messed up in that movie, you know?
Lex Luther is an amazing mastermind.
To make a world with criptonite(Or however you spell that) in the actual ground is one of the better plans to take over the world from any super hero movie that I've seen.
And I really did like Richard in that movie, I just hate that he kinda got dumped, in a way, in the end.
He was a really good guy...
Anyways, I'll stop my random thoughts about the movie now.
You all probably have better things to do now!



Silvertongue said...

You are wrong, i have nothing better to do.

turnabout said...

Ink, i think you're right, about all of them. but honestly, it was kind a weird how amazingly smart lex was, i loved it.


Ink said...

Tom, Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with nothing better to do!

Kat, I loved it too! It was a really good movie...
Oh, yeah, Elfgirl asked me to ask you to please comment on her blog(her parents have restricted her), she wants to talk to you.


elfgirl564 said...

i have nothing to add since i havent seen any of the superman movies. inky, sadly i too have nothing better to do. jk! i love listening to you.

hey kitkat,
where have you been?
love you guys

becca[you dazzle me] said...

okay so my friend had a superly weird converstion with her brother about his, and this is the whole thing in a nut shell, wouldn't superman's pelvis just crush her? he is super strong right?

Ink said...

Elfy, I love listening to you too!!

Becca, I think that all he'd have to do is look at her and she'd die.
He's just that manly.


turnabout said...

Becca, my friends and i were talking about that too! We couldn't figure it out either!:P
And yeah Ink, he is just that manly.


turnabout said...
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Ink said...

He drips manliness.
