Saturday 13 October 2007

My expedition

So on Thursday I found this place where i could cross over my creak in my backyard. I got across and into the field but realizing i would need backup i went back and looked for recruits all the next day. So after school Friday I had had two team mates. Jordan and Matt. No offence to Matt but he wasn't much of a help and just screamed when he fell (which happened three times).

So we go over the creak and cut through the field. I have to say that for 'tough' guys they were pretty eager to complain the whole time. But finally we found what i was looking for. The gourge I had found a few years back with my dad. But it was so over grown I couldn't tell from far away.

"Now where?" Matt asked.
"Duh isn't that obvious. We came looking for the gourge. The gourge has the creak. We follow the creak."
"But it's over grown."
"You'll deal."

Personally I think I was the more manly one about the whole thing. So as I venture forward, I fall into the big creak and get my pants soaked up to my knees. Well let's just say my shoes are ruined. So I went forward and got stuck in the mud a few times. Actually I jusped into the mud to get across the creak and when i pulled out my foot, my shoe wa still in the mud. Yah.

Then we started heading for what we thoguht was a corn field. It wasn't. idk what it was but it was tall and over grown just like everytihng else.

And there was this awesome tree with these really hard mushrooms on it was weird.

So we're like lost, right? And so we're just walking and we come out of the woods in my back yard. Over all it was one of the best days ever.

I'll probably do it again soon.


ps. but ever since i fell in the water i've been super cold *shiver*

1 comment:

elfgirl564 said...

typical. the girls are always the manly ones. at least with the wimps i hang out with.