Sunday 14 October 2007

I'm back!

Sorry I wasn't on here for most of the weekend.
Me and my brother had a bunch of friends over last night, we watched movies and played ghost in the graveyard, and made fun of each other for a while...
it was superly fun!
Then one of my friends *cough* Lith *cough* slept over.
So I was pretty busy...

So what's been going on with you all??



elfgirl564 said...

i heard about that. and you heard about my time. hummm... what happened since you called me? i ate more cake. thats about it.

Silvertongue said...

I got to ride Lone Wolf's horse.

TC14 said...

nothin much is goin on with me im just back from the mountains

Anonymous said...

HEY! there is nothing wrong with me coming over and eating all your food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hated it though when the Leprechaun kept on asking why i was so thin when i was done with a tin of cookies and moved onto the bag of popcorn... duh. its an obvious answer... SPORTS YOU IRISH MORON!!!!!
XD just kidding. i didn't say that. but i am in sports. and had to keep on telling him that. he complained that i weighed 100. phsaw! do not!

Ink said...

Elfy, nothing has been happening...

Tom, was that fun for you?

TC14, how was it?

Lith, you ate all my freaking cookies , not that I care, but me and the Leprechaun were actually quite amazed watching you scarf those things down...


Anonymous said...

you had cookies... i had time and milk... those were nothing compared to cake. XD

Anonymous said...

hehehehe... like my lovely icon?

it makes me giggle...

Ink said...

I had one, not 10.

Yes, its lovely.
: D


Silvertongue said...

It was very fun for me!

Ink said...

Yay for you!


elfgirl564 said...

hey, my dad just used my blog to teach my brother about httml. his only comment was "lessons from the lonny bin???!!!" brat. that sounds fun tom.

Ink said...

Goodness, why your blog? Just out of curiosity?


elfgirl564 said...

who knows? its my Dad!!!!

Ink said...

Ah, true.
