Tuesday 16 October 2007

i have to ask something....

i have to ask you guys something. my dad is obsessed with winning the lottery. dont ask why, i have no idea. anyway, he wants to know if you guys will each pick a number between 1 and 56. this is how hes going to pick our lottery numbers. i have full faith in you guys. i can tell these are going to be winning numbers. * i make full apologies for my insane parent. sorry. im youre slave for life. and no ink that does not include "helping" you with the dog.*


Anonymous said...

sounds like my mom and sratch offs...i keep telling her its a numbers gamne for lozers but does she listen...NO!!!!!! well i guess ill help you out or try but this is bound to be an unlucky number..........45....dont ask me y...its just the first thing that popped into my head!

elfgirl564 said...

THANK YOU!!!! what is it whith parents and scratch offs???!! my mom did that too and she never won!!!

Ink said...



Anonymous said...


and ink you really need to take off the word verification thing its stupid


Ink said...

Fine, I will.


Ink said...

: D
