Thursday 25 October 2007

fmily fun night. yay. *this was said in an extremely bored tone*

i am majorly pissed. my dad has just enforced a "family game night". and i just love sitting in front of a fire and playing board games to further family closeness. or how about running around my neighborhood playing kick the can? doesn't that sound FUN? ugh, i am going to kill my brother for bringing up the idea of "game night". im thinking bleach in his milk. lol. not. oh well, tomorrow ill sprain my ankle and continue to sprain it for the next four years. and ill develop an allergic reaction to the dyes on the board games. *tsk* why dont they test those, some people die from allergies that strong. or maybe i could sabatoge the fireplace. hummm...


Ink said...

Oh my gosh. Family fun night??
I love my family, but personally hate being forced to have fun with them.
It should be natural.

How often is this going to be??


TC14 said...

if my parents did that to me i would find a way to get out of it (or at least i hope i would)
i might call my grandparents and tell them to make a "surprise visit" and take me away

turnabout said...

oh my god.
doesnt sound like fun at all. we'd never do anything like that in my house cause we really dont have all that many board games. and you know, we'd probably end up killing each other. the only time we do anything like that is my brothers and i will play without my parents or my parents and i will play with my bros. never all together :P wonder why P:


Anonymous said...

hope your doing good elfy, miss u. so whats up?

elfgirl564 said...

hey wolfy! i missed you too! im just going to do a dump because i dont think you got my other comment. basicly i need youre advice. my parents are tired of me being depressed all the time and said that i have to be happier or ill be on house arrest and have to have more counseling. ive been trying to act happy and hope that they fall for it but its not working. aannyyway, now that ive dumped that on you, how are you?

elfgirl564 said...

im expecting there to be massive bloodshed after this is over kitttykat. my brother is such a sore loser its almost funny. hummm, why is that???!!!!! XD