Tuesday 16 October 2007

because (believe it or not) i'm having a depressing week...

yes. i am a go-lucky happy person, most of the time.
but this week is driving me to the ground.

firstly, my uncles ex-girlfriend (who i met at Christmas and ABSOLUTELY LOVE! she's like me: happy go-lucky, and also very beautiful) is still friends with him and all, but that's not what i'm getting at. She lives in Los Vegas, city of lights and what ever not. What I have been told that she might have been attacked in her apartment... because she fell off her balcony from the second story and was seriously injured.
she broke both her knees, did something with her back, broke her foot, and other injuries that were very serious. the doctors HAD to put her into a coma in order to do anything to her.

so i'll appreciate your support and prayers...

NEXT!, my dad is considering of getting rid of my cat, Bandit...
for real.
not even joking.
and i'm remotely distressed about this cause i've only had him for two years... and love him very much.
the reason my dad wants him gone is that he's a male and tends to to male stuff: pee in places other than his litter box and attack people. he's afraid that if my cat bites one of my little cousins when they come over... there could be bad stuff...
my dad told me that next time Ink's cat has kittens... that i should consider of taking a female one if there were any...

just so you guys know...


Ink said...

Gosh Lith! You couldn't take five minutes and call me??
If you were depressed, I'm here for you! You know that!!!
: )

He CAN'T!!
I'll be SO SAD!!!!


Silvertongue said...

Nobody should take your kitty!!!

elfgirl564 said...

that sucks!!! i would totally hate it if my dad made me give away my cat. im sorry about ure uncles ex-girlfriend. ill be thinking about her.

Anonymous said...

thanks guys...

and sorry inky... people have been kicking me off the phone...

Ink said...

Call me when you can then K?


Anonymous said...

its las vegas honey, which part of the city, I live in las vegas

elfgirl564 said...

OMG! i missed you again. dang it!!!

Anonymous said...

wolf boy: whoops! sorry. i'm a spelling bee's nightmare.

i do not know. just in las vegas.
sorry i can't be much more of help.

inky: I AM GOING TO CALL YOU RIGHT NOW... IN 5-4-3-2-1...