Tuesday 25 September 2007

Who would win???????

Han Solo, with Chewy
Jack Bauer( from 24), & Tony

And they both have equal weapons.
Which team would win???

Seriously, tell me what you think.



becca[you dazzle me] said...

han solo, and so anyways i miss you girlie!! : (

Anonymous said...

han solo for sure!


Silvertongue said...

Han Solo, i admire Jack's skills but i have doubts if he could take on Han and Chewy. Even if he got Han, Chewy would not go down too easy.

Ink said...

So Han is winning huh?

Becca: I miss you too!!

Tom/Christine: I think you are
totally right about Chewy. He's not one you can just shoot with a pistol and be down... you know?


Silvertongue said...

Well, first off it is 2 on one. Next it is a professional bounty hunter and a bear-like thing from the future against a modern day government agent.

Kind of unfair.

Ink said...

Nuh uh! Jack had Tony with him...

And there are even weapons...
But Chewy could totally rip off Tony's arms and beat him with them...


Silvertongue said...

... If Jack had Tony too... I will think on that one.

Ink said...

I can't decide!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

ink i miss you more!!! and yes that is right han is so winning!!! WEE

Ink said...

Nuh uh!!!

I know!


Silvertongue said...

Then again, Jack has a team behind him where as Han is a freelancer. Crap I think I am over complicating the question.

Ink said...

No, you are totally right. Now that makes things weigh in Jack's favor a little bit...
