Saturday 22 September 2007

Hello my people!

I dyed my hair... two days ago!
It was a dirty blondish color. And now its an auburn color.
I love it. It makes me feel emoish!

So, other then that I have been condemned to stay home today. No fun for Inky.
Ah, well, another day then.



The Jester said...

cool... i wanna see... my hair is weird colored.../or just weird it's brown and straight when it's short and blonde and wavy when it's long... though the entire time it retains a light hint of red and the other color it's not


turnabout said...

oh! sounds cool!

Silvertongue said...

I want orange hair.

Ink said...

Thanks guys! I love it!!


Silvertongue said...

I wish i could see it.

Ink said...

I wish you could too.
: (


Ink said...


Anonymous said...

WHAT?!?!?!?! and you didn't tell me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ink said...

I did tell you that.
I told Gretchen and Nate and you were RIGHT THERE.
You were probably just thinking about Prancer and didn't hear me.
