Saturday 22 September 2007

for the randomness of it all

for all who didn't know, Prancer's eyes change color, especially (so he claims) if he's sick.
everyday at school, i play the game of finding out what color his eyes are that day (or hour), and i find it very entertaining...

OH! but today was interesting, cause i hung out with him on my bike that doesn't work. first, his eyes were a dark gray. then we played a game of follow the leader. yes, that sounds kiddish, but when you live in a town where there's NOTHING TO DO you kinda sorta have to make up stupid games.
anyway, we biked around our whole town (or so it seemed to me). he showed me this top of this hill, which was amazing, cause it over looked our whole 'Village' almost. i've never been up there before. then we went to a park near school on the opposite end, AND THEN we went under a bridge cause i've never been down there either. AND THEN we went to another elementary school playground.

it was fun!

but me and ink are planning this masterfully evil plan that is going to scare the bejiebbers out of Prancer, cause he totally scarred me the last time we were all over at Ink's house...
right Ink?


p.s. i want a Russian chocolate cake.


Ink said...
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J.J. Ride said...

Hey i think i like this blog even better than your other!

btw, i'm 15, are you even close to my age haha

P.S. i'm not one of those creepy internet preditor guys, they creep the shit outta me!!!! i think theres one at the coffe shop by my house!

Ink said...

Hello J.J.
Thanks! I love this blog too!
All my friends ROCK at helping me with this too!

I'll check out your blog soon!


Anonymous said...

nope. we're around your age... if not exactly.